Below are maps of the 2508 region, many with the base plans from the late 1800's, yet still being used as late as 1994, but with handwritten additions, alterations, erasures and sub-divisions.   In the 1800's the government granted both pastoral leases and mining leases, around the Helensburgh region  and a limited  amount of land was purchased freehold.  
Images are with thanks to the NSW Dept of  Lands.  Please click on each thumbnail  image to view & zoom a full size map click images to view larger

Heathcote Parish Cumberland County Wollongong Map B
Bulgo Parish
Heathcote Parish Cumberland County Wollongong Map B
Bulgo Parish 
Heathcote Parish Cumberland County Wollongong Map B
Heathcote Parish TabratongCumberland County - wollongong Map B
Heathcote Parish MAP
Bulg Parish mao
Potential Landslip area of Otford Helensburgh
1971 Mining Geotech survey map showing potential landslip around Helensburgh over Otford, & necessary  bushland buffer 
1890 Heathcote Parish Map
1890 Heathcote Parish Map
DP4591 Otford Park
DP 2205 ShortSt TheCrescent
DP36699 Tabratong
DP33693 on Heathcote Parish Map

DP2536 LilyVale Station Walker map

DP20864 Short St Vol729Fol236
DP2644 Lilyvale Town in Helensburgh
DP2644 Lilyvale Town in Helensburgh
DP 229817 Camp creek over mine
DP 229817 Camp creek over coal mine
Mining Lease 1976 Cumberland Heathcote Parish
Mining Lease 1976
DP2244970 Housing Otford Rd
DP2244970 Housing Otford Rd
DP19362Showing Coniston -Bendena Gardens
Coniston Gardens
Stanwell Tops
Notes to accompany Heathcote Parish DP759059
DP759059 Notes
DP2043122 Crown Land Rd Mine
DP2043122 Crown Land Rd Mine
DP 209903 BulgoRd
Heathcote Parish 1976 Plan  Notes
Heathcote Parish 1976 Plan  Notes

Helensburgh West Map 2

Helensburgh West Map 2
DP705845 Merrigong Werrong
Helensburgh West Map
Helensburgh West Map
DP 22355 Vol6316Fol 192 Lady Carrington

DP223554 Vol6316 Fol192 Lady Carrington drive
DP 260258 SubDiv Lawrence Hargrave

DP 249870 GeorgesRd

Heathcote Parish MAP
Heaathcote Parish Map
DP242135  Lloyd place
DP 212061 Koornong Vol811 Vol8296
DP 212061 Koornong Vol811 Vol8296

DP 216480 Bulgo & Undola rds
DP216480 Bulgo & Undola 
DP 733150 Halls Rd Gardiner Place
DP 733150 Halls Rd Gardiner Place
DP241582 Illawarra Rd
DP241582 Illawarra Rd
DP 17759 Stanwell Tops Estate
DP 17759 Stanwell Tops Estate
DP 18902 Bendena Gardens Stanwell Tops
DP 18902 Bendena Gardens Stanwell Tops
DP 19240 Stanwell Tops Lawrence Hargrave drive
DP 19240 Stanwell Tops Lawrence Hargrave drive
DP 19228 Bendena Gardens Stanwell Tops
DP 19228 Bendena Gardens Stanwell Tops
DP 17336 Stanwell Tops Estate Hanging Swamp

DP 17336 Stanwell Tops Estate Hanging Swamp
DP255197 StanwellTops
DP259401 Stanwell Tops
DP259401 Stanwell Tops
DP752018 Bulgo Parish
DP 213038 Stonehaven Stanwell Tops

DP  213038 Stonehaven Stanwell Tops
DP 264174 Domville Rd
DP 264174 Domville Rds
Current DP Lots 2508
Current DPs & lots map of 2508
DP 733149 The Ridge
DP 733149 The Ridge
Arial photo map of 2508
Aerial map of 2508 (though much has been deliberately degraded by panting developers
Stanwell Tops - Stanwell  Park Hanging SwampsStanwell Park Hanging Swamp
DP 29921 Chellow Dene
DP 29921 Chellow Dene