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You may also or prefer to sign a submission letter
- A brief review on the different precincts proposed for 2508 -submission letter  
- general submission letter on retaining the E2 environmental protection across the majority of the 2508 area 

The Administrators
Wollongong City Council
Locked Bag 8821
Wollongong 2500


Preliminary Report Response – review of 7(d) Lands at Helensburgh/Stanwell Tops/Otford - B6 Enterprise Corridor including golf range & Wildlife Park

Any Additional
you'd like to include  

I reject the zoning proposals by the Administrators of Wollongong City Council to the lands surrounding Symbio Wildlife Park, the golf driving range, & garden nursery,
and I request that precinct continue to be zoned SP3 Tourist, with additional animal training and boarding..

I object to the adjacent and surrounding zoning of lands as B6 Enterprise Corridor, including but not limited to Baines Places, Lawrence Hargraves Drive and Princes Highway.

  • The majority of traffic flow to Symbio, Bald Hill lookout, & the start of the Grand Pacific Drive,  either as a destination or impromptu, is via the F6 ramp - roundabout gateway on the Princes Hwy.  The proposed enterprise corridor that allows new development ranging from brothels to heavy machinery depots and used car yards with flashing neon signs is not in keeping with the historical village ambience nor the tourism gateway to the south coast.  Such development will deter tourists and swamp Symbio Wildlife Park in a sea of bitumen and concrete bunkers.

  • High noise and negative environmental impact from adjacent new industry could affect the breeding programs of endangered animals from the Cotton-top Tamarin monkeys to the soon arriving Sumatran tigers.

  • Any zoning other than SP3 Tourist will risk the wildlife park and its animal breeding programs, of closure because of the stringent government regulations governing the keeping of such animals. 

For the balance of the lands under review, we would like to register our approval of the Otford Protection Society Incorporated’s Planning Proposal dated 30 April 2010 for ALL the previously zoned 7d lands to E2 Environmental Conservation, which also includes exit strategies for landowners.

Yours faithfully
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